Well...I got word that South Africa's
turmoil has definitely taken a turn for the worse! A few of the headlines include:
South Africa Violence: Beyond Racismhttp://www.time.com/time/world/article/0,8599,1810805,00.html
South Africa: Attacks on Immigrants Declinehttp://www.nytimes.com/2008/05/31/world/africa/31briefs-ATTACKSONIMM_BRF.html?ref=world
Chris Rock says poverty behind xenophobic attacks
So, I called my program adviser I asked him about the program's position on sending volunteers into this potentially hostile environment and he responded that most of the attacks are in Johannesburg and a smaller townships. He also reports that current volunteers have not been in any immediate danger and the program has discussed that if any thing should arise between now and the time that any volunteers go to South Africa they will suspend the program and refund any costs.
I in turn responded that I needed to monitor the news a little closer and that I wouldn't be paying any more money so we will see what happens...