Note to self: Don't overwhelm yourself with these documentaries, your a softee...
Ok, so...I have submitted the Ginsberg Fellowship, watched some documentaries and talked to financial aid!
Ginsberg Fellowship I feel good about what I submitted and hopefully everything will turn out in my favor! Running tab of
documentaries I watched
Color of Justice and
Mama Awethu both were very powerful and overwhelming to watch in one sitting, I won't do that to myself again!
Financial aid Alright, so they of course have me running around trying to find documentation so that my budget can be expanded! How am I gonna find receipts for this and that? I also have to get some documentation from OSS to submit to OFA so I can be enrolled during the time I go and receive credit.
Reflection: There are so many barriers...Why doesn't an atmosphere like U of M support a project like mine? I know the answer but I'm not gonna accept that, someone is going to give me money for this trip...
OOKKKAAYYY! I finally also met with
BM, I'm glad that our schdueles would work for us this weekend, we've been playing email and meeting tag for the past two weeks. I also haven't heard anything from
LH, I would like to get in contact with her so she can be my cross cultural faculty advisor for this trip. Oh so, back to the
meeting with BM, he was very resourceful and had me consider alot of things. Like what skills or ideas I would bring to the people I will work, what are my expectations, am I really prepared emotionally for this...yeah, I spent alot of our meeting thinking about the questions he was posing to me...which is good...I actually look forward to our next meeting. Hopefully, I can bounce some questions off of him about things I need to ask for this documentary. I took some pictures yesterday for another project, I think they came out pretty good! I am going to check out a camera so I can start practicing my photography...Until....